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Mays Full-Time MBA Students





Jonathan Staton

Full-Time MBA, Class of 2025

Eastern Michigan University

Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship

Tell me about yourself

While studying at Eastern Michigan University, I realized that I have a passion for entrepreneurship. I worked on refining the marketing strategy for a local CRM software company. The thinking behind creating a differentiated offering and lucrative value proposition spilled over into my personal endeavours as well. I started and operated a business two business glass company to gain entrepreneurship experience and it taught me the importance of leadership in an organization. From there, I gained experience at Amazon by applying these experiences and learning how entrepreneurial strategies correlate to organizational behavior. I thrived by leading people with this in mind and driving change for my organization. By leading in this way, I am confident that I can apply myself in many different facets.
An analyst role requires specificity and strategy which I have focused on while positioning myself to better others. I look forward to applying this moving forward and bringing transformative experiences to my next organization. During my MBA program at Mays Business School, I intend on continuing my learning of analytical practices and transferable skills learned during my education. This will help refine my business acumen and continue to develop into a high value candidate.

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