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Mays Full-Time MBA Students





Aaron Chen

Full-Time MBA, Class of 2024


Texas A&M University

Bachelor's in Public Health

MBA Internship

Tell me about yourself

Academically, I am interested in learning about the intersection between
healthcare and the various facets of business. Throughout the year, I pursue
extracurricular activities that add onto the holistic value of my education,
ranging from research projects to professional organizations. As a co-op
student, I will be simultaneously dedicating my time to the exploration of
business and the application of knowledge to my goals in medicine. Off
campus, I love to spend time hanging out with my close friends and making
even more. During my free time, you can expect to find me working out,
watching sports, learning how to cook, and grabbing dinner with my friends.
To take my mind off things, I spend almost too much time playing with my
two cats. Most importantly, I'm excited to embark on this arduous journey
and make great (and maybe not-so-great) memories with you - my

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