Wyatt Stinebaugh
Full-Time MBA, Class of 2025
MBA Internship
Power Transitions
Texas A&M University
Bachelor of Science, Wildlife & Fisheries Science (Conservation Biology) with Minor in Genetics
Personal Branding Statement
Hello, my name is Wyatt Stinebaugh. I am a first year MBA student with a bachelor’s degree in Conservation Biology & Genetics. I have a rich background working with animals, in research, and in entertainment. I excel at data driven solutions and have professional experience in research and development, business management, and driving change in a tech startup company. I chose to pursue a Master of Business Administration for the opportunity to broaden my impact on the world around me.
Professionally, I have a diverse set of experiences and skills that would be beneficial to your company. The overreaching themes of my career have been developing data backed solutions and driving change for animals and wildlife in the fields of business, research, and entertainment. Most recently I cofounded a rodeo technology company. I focused on research and development, seeking to innovate and change the barrel racing industry with research backed products. I have 3 years of experience in the equine industry in racetrack management working closely with regulators, horsemen, and management to ensure the safety, health, and fair treatment of horses. This experience combined education and entertainment, while ensuring the best welfare for horses. In academia I worked in ecology on a variety of projects in a variety of ecosystems. I worked as a project lead focusing on ungulate endoparasites, specifically developing natural sustainable alternatives for bison conservation. Outside of work I am a passion outdoorsman and explorer, who enjoys volunteering in conservation. I am very interested in how I could bring my talents and experiences to your organization.