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Mays Full-Time MBA Students





Erin Evans

Full-Time MBA, Class of 2024


Texas A&M University

BBA, Human Resource Development

MBA Internship
Honeywell - Supply Chain

Tell me about yourself

After completing my undergraduate degree in Human Resource Development, I spent the first part of my career in the public sector working in human resources for local government and K-12 education before returning to pursue my MBA to facilitate my career shift into the private sector. Although I loved the interaction and help I provided in those jobs, I knew that my real passion was in data and how organizations use data to drive decision-making across management.

As a career problem-solver, I am seeking a role in a company with a collaborative culture that will allow me to maintain meaningful mentor and peer relationships while giving me the freedom to make my own individual mark on how things are done and to develop those on my team. A role that I find satisfaction in will combine operational excellence with my desire for continuous learning and improvement using the soft skills I have developed in my previous HR roles and the hard skills gleaned in my MBA program and internship in logistics and planning.

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